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What Makes Parkour Unique? A Narrative Review Across Miscellaneous Academic Fields
Pagnon et al.
Sports medicine
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Parkour is a growing sport that mostly involves jumping, vaulting over obstacles, and climbing in a non-dedicated setting. The authors gathered all known relevant literature across miscellaneous academic fields in order to define parkour with regard to other sports disciplines. Parkour is a lifestyle sport, and as such provides an alternative to mainstream sports, away from strict rules, standardized settings, and necessary competitions. Traceurs (parkour adepts) consider the city as a playground and as an outlet for their creativity, but they also have a strong taste for hard and individualized challenges. They usually train on non-specific structures, at ground level. Although their social background is not clear, they are mostly young and male. Traceurs are stronger than recreational athletes, especially in eccentric exercises. However, their endurance skills may be below average. One of the core specificities of parkour is its precision constraint at landing, which turns a standing long jump into a precision jump, regulated in flight so as to prepare for landing. The running precision jump follows the same landing pattern, and its flight phase contrasts with long jump techniques. Injuries, which are not more frequent than in other sports, often occur at landing and to lower limb extremities. This risk is mitigated by targeting the landing area with the forefoot instead of letting the heel hit the ground like in gymnastics, or with rolling in order to dissipate the impact. Overall, parkour focuses on adaptability to new environments, which leads to specific techniques that have not yet been extensively addressed by the literature.
Sovereign Surfing in the Society of Control: The Parkour Chase in Casino Royale as a Staging of Social Change
Jonasson & Eriksson
Social Sciences
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Palabras clave
control; discipline; Gilles Deleuze; James Bond; Michel Foucault; movement; parkour; social change; sovereignty; surfing
In “Postscript on Societies of Control”, French philosopher Gilles Deleuze proclaimed that “Everywhere surfing has replaced the older sports”. By this, he alluded to Foucault’s thoughts on older societal regimes and power diagrams of sovereignty and discipline, and that now such models have been supplemented with governance through control and allegations of increased freedom. This article has as its point of departure the potential of sports to reflect social change. Contemporaneously to the coining of Deleuze’s surfing sentence, a new sport emerges: parkour, in which practitioners “surf” the urban realm. This practice gained attention globally when it was featured in the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale. The analysis in this article revolves around the different ways of moving in and through the environment in the renowned parkour chase in the beginning of the movie. How do different kinds of displacement in the parkour chase of Casino Royale relate to the transition between the societies described by Deleuze, and what new adaptations emerge and what old logics and models return? It is concluded that the older forms of power prevail and that the ideal of the society of control cannot be realised.
Explorando subculturas de rua através das lentes da arte e do desporto: uma análise histórica de danca, bmx, skateboarding e parkour
Pires et al.
E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais
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Palabras clave
Arts; BMX; Cultural Practices; Parkour; Skateboarding; Sports; Street Dance; Street Subcultures; Urban Space
Scientific research is preponderant in the development and dissemination of knowledge, and, in this sense, the contemporary city is established as an object of study for understanding the behaviors and influences of cultural and artistic practices emerging in its territory. In our daily lives, we identify cultural and artistic street practices that we know little or nothing about. The fieldwork, carried out as a part of the StreetArtCEI project, has increased our interest in other urban cultural practices that we come across with, alongside graffiti and street art. In this context, we intend to explore street dance, skateboarding, BMX, and parkour, from a holistic perspective. These are inspiring activities practiced individually or in groups, mostly by younger generations, that connect the arts and the sports worlds more than ever.
Blubilds – drawing diagrammatic stains
Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice
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Palabras clave
diagrammatic; drawing; Edgelands encounters; embodied; mapping; Rosalind Krauss
This project adopts the concept of a dance diagram such as Andy Warhol’s Fox Trot (1962) introduced by Rosalind Krauss in her writing on the relationship of material forces in a diagrammatic structure to create a model of notation with actions and objects derived from Edgelands. Coined by Marion Shoard, Edgelands are post-industrial cityscapes, a typology of abandon, dereliction and decay. Shoard notes these sites are characterized by creative cultural practices of photography and graffiti; urban explorers, parkour. My Blubilds project aimed to challenge these cultural practices of parkour and graffiti to provoke new engagement in those sites. To this end, I apply the concept of Rosalind Krauss’s resistant diagram and gravity I adapted from Formless: A User’s Guide (Bois and Krauss 1997). Gravity is a force of undoing to remake spaces – and I draw with my body and equipment to facilitate gravity within a dance diagram to create a new space. This contrasts the cultural practices such as Graffiti and parkour and breaks with those existing activities to tag, mark and leave a new trace in Edgelands. Blubilds draw a live embodied diagram, based on the movement patterns found in Edgeland sites, since ‘action’ is to draw a line with the body. Tim Ingold’s approach to drawing informs my perspective that lines of movement that draw (in) place engage with the lived narratives of those places. Ingold suggests that the narratives that make place are created by entangled lines created by movement; furthermore, to ‘draw out’ – as in Douglas Rosenberg’s (2012) phrase – suggests that drawing in place ‘draws-out’ new spaces. Blue is emblematic as a nod to Krauss’s ‘rude noise, the blueprint and the acts of Graffiti’, it becomes Blubilds – a dynamic diagrammatic stain
Entre el espacio público y el digital: apropiación y significación desde la práctica de parkour
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Prácticas corporales urbanas, autoproducción visual, cultura digital, redes sociales
El propósito de este artículo es describir y comprender la autoproducción visual y la utilización de sitios de redes sociales en el campo de prácticas corporales urbanas. La investigación se realizó desde una perspectiva etnográfica, participando de una comunidad de practicantes de parkour e incorporando aspectos de etnografía virtual para realizar observación en sitios de redes sociales. Los principales resultados muestran que la autoproducción visual y la socialización del contenido en sitios de redes sociales tienen como fin principal: 1) difundir y dar a conocer la práctica de parkour; 2) registrar y mostrar los progresos corporales de sus practicantes; y 3) visibilizar otras formas de experimentar la ciudad y sus espacios públicos. Finalmente, así como los practicantes de parkour –u otras prácticas urbanas– se apropian de los espacios públicos urbanos, también lo hacen con el espacio digital a través del contenido visual autoproducido, en una relación dialéctica entre ambos espacios.
Parkour: playing the modern, accelerated city
Hojbjerre Larsen
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport
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Palabras clave
parkour, play, resonance, alienation, sport critique, sportification
In this article, I argue that parkour can be understood as a way to recapture moments of non-alienated human experience in urban space. I draw on Hartmut Rosa’s theory of temporally caused alienation and Edward Casey´s phenomenological study of place and space. Based on empirical data I describe how the practitioners aren’t indifferent to urban space, but they carry a unique material curiousness and a concrete physical presence wherever they go, thereby enabling an experience of resonance. Even though parkour, as well as other informal sports, is subjected to societal patterns of sportification, acceleration and alienation, it is a good example proving that human beings can transform, for a moment, the most alienated environment, into a place of play.
Young Gazan Refugees, Sport and Social Media: Understanding Migration as a Process of Becoming
Thorpe & Wheaton
International Migration Review
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Palabras clave
migration, Gaza, young refugees, sport, social media
Located at the intersection of two key literatures—refugee and sport migration studies—this article offers original insights into the lived and embodied experiences of young men migrating from Gaza to Europe. Drawing upon interviews with young Gazan men throughout the migration process and upon digital ethnography conducted from 2013 to 2018, it explains how these men used their physical prowess in the informal sport of parkour, combined with digital entrepreneurialism, to navigate alternative routes of migration to Europe. In prioritizing the young men’s narratives and offering rich empirical insight into the creative actions and strategic decisions made by youth at various stages throughout migration journeys, we challenge dominant portrayals of young refugees as “victims.” Migration is, thus, revealed as an ongoing and multi-dimensional process of becoming that operates within and across physical and digital spaces and over time. The first to evidence the struggles, creativity, and agency of Gazan youth in their efforts to escape lives of conflict and poverty, the article also prompts conceptual and methodological questions for youth and sport migration research. In particular, it highlights the need to explore the possibilities of digital methodologies for understanding the experiences of those in “hard to reach” places and those “on the move.”
Skate, parkour y barras en la Ciudad de México
Varela et al
Sociología del Deporte
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Parkour, Skateboarding, Barras, Masculinidad, Espacio Público
En este artículo se expone un resumen de resultados referentes a una investigación realizada en la Ciudad de México, en la que se estudian tres actividades físicas, surgidas en países occidentales centrales durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, pero ampliamente practicadas en dicha ciudad: skateboarding, parkour y barras o street workout. La atención del texto se centra en el carácter urbano y masculinizado de estas disciplinas, así como en sus dimensiones lúdicas, estilísticas y estéticas, mismas que son reivindicadas por sus practicantes. Para lo anterior, mostramos algunos datos obtenidos mediante un cuestionario aplicado en campo y por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas a practicantes varones, así como algunas observaciones obtenidas de plataformas digitales. Además, se ofrece un esfuerzo por conceptualizar tales actividades dentro de una red de categorías propias de la sociología del deporte, esto en el intento de subrayar sus rasgos como deportes callejeros.
The Poor “Wealth” of Brazilian Football: How Poverty May Shape Skill and Expertise of Players
Uehara et al.
Front Sports Act Living
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ecological dynamics, skill acquisition, football, poverty, affordances landscapes
Worldwide, 1.3 billion people live in Poverty, a socio-economic status that has been identified as a key determinant of a lack of sports participation. Still, numerous athletes around the world have grown up in underprivileged socio-economic conditions. This is the case in Brazil, a country with around 13.5 million impoverished citizens, yet, over decades, many of its best professional footballers have emerged from its favelas. In this article, we explore the role of the socio-cultural-economic constraints in shaping the development of skill and expertise of Brazilian professional football players. The methodological and epistemological assumptions of the “Contextualized Skill Acquisition Research” (CSAR) approach are used as an underpinning framework for organizing and analyzing data. Results suggested that, at the exosystemic level of Brazilian society, Poverty emerges as an influential constraint that can potentially enrich football development experiences of Brazilian players. Poverty, however, is not the direct causation of outstanding football skill development. Rather, from the perspective of ecological dynamics, Poverty creates specific contexts that can lead to the emergence of physical as well as socio-cultural environment constraints (e.g., Pelada, Malandragem) that can shape affordances (opportunities) for skill acquisition. These ideas suggest the need to ensure that environmental constraints can support people to amuse themselves cheaply, gain access to employment opportunities and maintain health and well-being through (unstructured and more structured) sport and physical activities in dense urban environments such as favelas, inner city areas, and banlieues. For this purpose, design of open play areas and even parkour installations can provide affordances landscapes for physical activity and sports participation in urban settings.
Saltando, corriendo y desplazándoseLa experiencia corporal del espacio público desde la práctica de parkour en Talca, Chile
URBS: Revista de estudios urbanos y ciencias sociales
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Palabras clave
Cuerpo; espacio público; heterotopía; parkour
En la sociedad contemporánea se han promovido ciertas formas de moverse corporalmente en los espacios públicos, limitando las formas de experimentarlos. Sin embargo, han surgido distintas prácticas que reclaman un lugar en la ciudad. Entre éstas se destaca el parkour, como una práctica que utiliza el cuerpo para desplazarse en la ciudad y sus espacios públicos. En este sentido, esta investigación, a través de una perspectiva etnográfica, centró su interés en comprender la manera en que los practicantes de parkour experimentan corporalmente la ciudad, a través de los usos que otorgan a los espacios públicos y los movimientos corporales que realizan en éstos. Como resultados principales, se encontró que: (1) los practicantes de parkour realizan una imitación de movimientos animales para desplazarse en los espacios públicos; y que (2) existe un proceso de imaginación, mediante el cual los practicantes de parkour convierten el espacio en una «heterotopía» para experimentarlo corporalmente
Renovación de los Juegos Olímpicos y apropiación cultural del parkour. Apoyos y resistencias
Cuadernos Del Claeh-centro Latinoamericano De Economia Humana
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Palabras clave
Juegos Olímpicos, actividad de tiempo libre, deporte, cultura.
El parkour surgió en suburbios franceses como desarrollo de un grupo de personas y se catapultó a un público masivo a través de plataformas virtuales de video a partir de 2006, lo que generó innumerables apropiaciones locales. La ética de la comunidad de parkour abarca diversidad de valores compartidos (o no) por segmentos de esa población, entre ellos: no competición, utilitarismo de los movimientos y creatividad. Llamaremos cultura del parkour a esta comunidad y, a su vez, al conjunto de conocimientos, ética y arte compartido por ellos, conscientes de que contiene divergencias y fronteras difusas. En su Agenda 2020, el Comité Olímpico Internacional proyectó la renovación de los Juegos Olímpicos, con la incorporación de nuevos deportes extremos para mejorar su alcance en el público joven. En 2017, la Federación Internacional de Gimnasia anunció una nueva modalidad competitiva para ser incorporada a los Juegos Olímpicos basada en el parkour, el FIG Parkour. Este desarrollo fue inmediatamente considerado apropiación indebida por grupos, organizaciones y federaciones de parkour. Relacionamos esta denuncia con la idea de apropiación cultural y sintetizamos algunos apoyos y resistencias al desarrollo de FIG Parkour en las culturas del parkour y la gimnasia deportiva.
Regimes of Visibility in the Global Parkour
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
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Palabras clave
Gender; media; Morocco; parkour; regimes of visibility; sports
Parkour is often defined through its strikingly visual dimension with breathtaking images of leaps covering amazing distances, recordings of seemingly impossible body movements and flying bodies apparently no longer constrained by gravity. However, the basic idea behind parkour is to find the most efficient or direct path as one crosses from one point to another while overcoming all obstacles using only one's bodily capacities. No additional tools are used or are necessary. The seemingly weightless traceurs and traceuses (parkour practitioners) run, jump and climb through public and digital space. At the same time, they produce visual footage of their best movements. As in other sporting cultures, such as skateboarding, surfing or climbing, the productions of visual material and the visual representation of the sports practices are interrelated. This hints at an entangled relationship between parkour and media in its various forms and aspects. In the following article, parkour will be described as a mediatized global cultural practice with a focus on established regimes of visibility. The analysis will be conducted from a local Moroccan and gendered perspective and using an ethnographic approach.
Os caminhos do parkour em Vitória/es / The paths of parkour in Vitória/es
Da Costa Silva & Ferreira Araújo
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Parkour. Atividades de Lazer.Prática Corporal
O Parkour é uma prática que vem ganhando espaço nas cidades brasileiras, uma vez que o mobiliário urbano apresenta um cenário perfeitopara essa manifestação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o surgimento e o desenvolvimento do Parkour em Vitória, Espírito Santo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória, na qual se utilizou para a coleta de dados a entrevista estruturada com um praticante de reconhecido envolvimento com o Parkour. Com base nos resultados, estabeleceram-se as categorias que trataram da história do Parkour na capital capixaba, os aspectos pedagógicos de seu ensino-aprendizado e o perfil de seus praticantes. Foi possível constatar que o Parkour surgiu em Vitória em 2004 sob forte influência midiática. Seus participantes são na maioria jovens e seu desenvolvimento ocorreu por meio da divulgação empírica entre os grupos de praticantes e como forma de lazer e confraternização.
The institutionalisation of Parkour in Denmark. A national case of how institutional isomorphism works and affect lifestyle sport
Hojbjerre Larsen
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics
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Palabras clave
Lifestyle sports, action sports, parkour, institutionalisation, sportisation, sport-for-all
Many lifestyle sports are undergoing a process of institutionalisation and sportisation. A growing body of research in the institutionalisation of lifestyle sport is developing. This is especially the case for parkour where researchers have begun analysing how parkour has been developed in different national contexts. By drawing on institutional theory and various empirical data collected through ethnographical field studies, this article offers a qualitative analysis about how the national, socio-cultural context and the sport governance system have coloured the institutionalisation of parkour in Denmark. The institutionalisation has been driven by the practitioners’ interest in getting access to sport facilities and therefore a need to accommodate the sport governance system. But also, at the same time, by the existing associations who are facing challenges to attract young people and therefore integrating parkour into their schedules. Even though the institutionalisation creates tensions, it also illuminates how parkour has been integrated into the existing gymnastic organisations without being turned into an achievement sport, but as a sport-for-all.
Parkour, transpondo o obstáculo da competição
Pereira & Batista
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Parkour, Competição, Esporte
O parkour é uma nova versão esportiva, criado nos subúrbios de França que se opõe ao agonismo próprio da modernidade e parece confrontar as certezas que o positivismo engendra. Este trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer os praticantes de parkour e entender como concebem o conceito de competição que começa a ser disseminado nele. Método: Uma pesquisa exploratória com oitenta e quatro sujeitos foi aplicada em praticantes de todo o Brasil. Resultados: Os resultados permitem dizer que os jovens são aqueles que mais procuram o parkour e que os grupos são heterogêneos, ainda se percebe que as mulheres precisam conquistar seu espaço, pois não são protagonistas na modalidade. Conclusão: Verificou-se que há interesses da Federação Internacional de Ginástica em agrupar o parkour como uma de suas disciplinas e que os praticantes brasileiros não têm um consenso sobre se aceitam a competição ou não.
What makes parkour unique? A narrative review across miscellaneous academic fields.
Pagnon et al.
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free-running, biomechanics, physiology, landing, precision, lifestyle sport
Parkour is a growing sport that mostly involves jumping, vaulting over obstacles, and climbing in a non dedicated setting. The authors gathered all known relevant literature across miscellaneaous academic fields in order to define parkour with regards to other sports disciplines. Parkour is a lifestyle sport, and as such provides an alternative to mainstream ones, away from strict rules, standardized settings, and necessary competitions. Traceurs (parkour adepts) consider the city as a playground and as an outlet for their creativity, but they also have a strong taste for hard and individualized challenges. They usually train on non specific structures, at ground level. Although their social background is not clear, they are mostly young and male.
Masters of Chancery: The Gift of Public Space
Public Space Reader
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Public space is the age’s master signifier. A loose and elastic notion that is variously deployed to defend architecture, to decry civic squares, to promote graffiti artists, skateboarders, jay-walkers, parkour aficionados, pie-in-the-face guerrillas, underground capture the flag enthusiasts, flashmob surveillance-busters, and other grid-resistant everyday anarchists. It is the unit of choice when it comes to understanding pollution, predicting political futures, thinking about citizenship, lauding creativity, and worrying about food, water, or the environment. Access to such goods is supposed to be of common interest. Unfortunately, when unmanaged, even abundant public goods are frequently subject to what the economist Garrett Hardin called “the tragedy of the commons.” In the classical ideal theory, positional public goods and public positional goods should be contradictions in terms: anything zero-sum is not public, and anything public is not subject to relative gain. In reality, the various hybrids of publicness and exclusive competition are unfortunately common.
Body-Space-Relation in Parkour : Street Practices and Visual Representations
Media and Mapping Practices in the Middle East and North Africa
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Morocco, parkour, body, street
Parkour today is a global subcultural scene that combines street with media practices. Parkour consists of a local moment, fundamentally concerned with the materiality of the street, and simultaneously of a global digital discourse, which involves millions of parkour actors. While the spatial knowledge requires a very close knowledge and tactile contact of the surface’s nature of space, the media representations seem to ref lect an opposite image, namely the detachedness of space. In this chapter, I will address the question of space-making and spatial practices in Morocco and the relation to parkour’s visual representations.
Un sueño que no agranda el mundo ¿es acaso el sueño de un poeta?” Estudio cr´tico sobre la puesta en escena de Altazor o El viaje en paracaídas.
Pualín et al.
MAGOTZI Boletín Científico de Artes del IA
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Displazement, teatro, transdisciplina, Altazor o el Viaje en Paracaídas, Instituto de Artes UAEH
El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo compartir los hallazgos y las experiencias del proyecto de investigación titulado Creación transdisciplinaria en espacios alternativos a partir del Displazement. Financiado por el Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado (PROMEP), en su emisión 2018-2019;este proyecto de investigación incluía una puesta en escena, tres artículos y un documental. Su propósito era indagar en la posibilidad de generar un espacio íntimo en un lugar al aire libre, a través de un lenguaje creado por un sincretismo entre el teatro y el Displazement; 2una disciplina urbana que nace del Parkoury que consiste en explorar las posibilidades de desplazamiento en el entorno, creando y resolviendo dificultades a través de los recursos físicos disponibles.Este texto recoge, organiza y examina los elementos que integran la creación del espacio escénico; tanto aquellos que corresponden al plano físico, conformado por el escenario y los elementos escenográficos; como al plano interior, constituido por las imágenes y las emociones de los actores y los espectadores que conformaron este proyecto, único en su tipo.
Parkour and street culture: Conviviality, law and the negotiation of urban space
Gilchrist & Osborn
Routledge Handbook of Street Culture Oxon Routledge.
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parkour, mediated conviviality, street culture, negotiation, public space
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